Sumitomo Chemical


  1. If you use this page, it indicates that you agree to the "Terms of Use, and the terms therein apply.
  2. The information you filled in will not be used for purposes other than answering your inquiries. For details on the protection of personal information, please see the "Privacy Policy.
  3. In some cases, we may disclose information to Sumitomo Chemical Group companies and subcontractors (such as those who handle related products) in order to respond to inquiries.
  4. Depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take hours or days to answer. For this reason, we may not be able to respond by requested speciifc reply dates or "urgent" requests.
  5. We may not be able to respond to the following contents, nor forward mail to the departments or group companies:
    · Request for sales, slander, questionnaires, various investigations, donation requests · Inquiries concerning contents not directly related to our company
  6. Regarding inquiries about individual opinions or requests, we do not give individual answers.
  7. We will protect personal information by encrypted communication using SSL. By using an SSL compliant browser, we send and receive personal information securely.
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