Collaboration with Others

Participation in Initiatives

Through participation in various initiatives, the Sumitomo Chemical Group is working with stakeholders involved in the plastic value chain to address a broad range of issues related to a circular system for plastics.

Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW)

The AEPW is an international alliance launched in January 2019 working to solve the plastic waste problem. Global companies associated with the plastic value chain have joined the alliance.
As a member company, Sumitomo Chemical financially supports AEPW’s activities and also engages in the selection of projects, verification of sustainability, and evaluation of impacts. In addition, we work with others through AEPW on initiatives that would be difficult to undertake alone, such as projects to upgrade trash collection infrastructure in countries around the globe with high plastic waste emissions.

Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)

CLOMA is a domestic alliance launched in January 2019 working to solve the marine plastic waste problem. By fostering cross-industry cooperation related to the plastic value chain, we are promoting activities to accelerate innovation as well as encouraging the sustainable use of plastic products and the development and adoption of alternative materials.
The Company is helping out with the planning of pilot tests that aim to improve the material recycling rate. In addition, to help solve the marine plastic problem through international cooperation, we are working with other members to determine whether Japan can offer effective proposals in light of conditions in countries with high plastic waste emissions.