Malaria in Africa

Malaria in Africa
Every 77 seconds, a precious life is lost to malaria. Many of the victims are young children under the age of five.

The Infectious Disease Malaria

  • Anopheles

Malaria is an infectious disease primarily of tropical regions that is transmitted by Anopheles mosquitos. When a mosquito bites someone infected with malaria, the malaria parasite is transmitted to the mosquito, and the infection is transmitted to healthy people when they are bitten by an infected mosquito.

In 2020, approximately 241 million people worldwide were infected by malaria, and approximately 627,000 died of the disease (World Malaria Report 2021). 90% of deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, and many of the victims are children under the age of five.

Countries Where There is a Risk of Contracting Malaria

Malaria Eradication as an Anti-Poverty Measure

In developed countries, malaria has been nearly eliminated, but for many countries in Africa, due to poverty and financial difficulties, appropriate policy measures are not sufficiently implemented. Moreover, because people who contract malaria lose opportunities for work and education, they cannot escape poverty, leading to a vicious cycle.
It is not an overstatement to say that the eradication of malaria is essential for Africa's economic development.

The Relationship Between Malaria and Poverty