Top Commitment: Addressing the Promotion of Sustainability as a Management Priority

In the Basic Principles for Promoting Sustainability, we declare that Sumitomo Chemical’s top management is committed to promoting sustainability. We also place these principles just below Sumitomo’s business principles and the Business Philosophy in the framework of our corporate philosophy in the framework of our corporate philosophy to show our commitment to working on the promotion of sustainability as a management priority. Under our Corporate Business Plan, which was launched in April 2022, we recognize the rapid trend toward a sustainable society as a change in the surrounding business environment. We will bring together our strengths as a diversified chemical company, consider opportunities to contribute to solutions of social issues, and undertake an advancing Green Transformation (GX) in a broad sense with the power of chemistry.
In fiscal 2021, the Sustainability Department sent a letter to all Group companies to communicate the Group’s new sustainability initiatives, including global project implementation report, external evaluation results reports and utilization, the enhancement of external promotions and disclosures, and our initiatives based on laws and regulations related to respecting human rights. Videos have been produced explaining the details of the Sustainability Promotion Committee and distributed to worksites. Meanwhile, the Senior Managing Executive Officer in charge of sustainability and Sustainability Department employees held multiple briefing sessions at Group companies in Japan to communicate the Group’s sustainability initiatives, while also implementing the same communication efforts for Group companies outside Japan through our four overseas regional headquarters.

FY2021 Sustainability Promotion Committee Report

Worksites Distributed explanation videos All employees
Sectors 4 Top management
Group companies in Japan 3 Presidents and sustainability managers of each company
Group companies overseas 7

Presidents of regional headquarters
Sustainability managers of regional headquarters
Sustainability managers of each company